Donnerstag, 16. August 2012

chainmaille and pain

These are necklaces I made a couple of years ago. As I searched the web for any information about making silver jewelry, I found a site with instructions and tutorials about chainmaille.
I thought I should give it a try. It is a very nice technique and is easy to learn. But if you do for a couple of hours you can´t do anything with your fingers.  This is because you are holding your tools all the time. One pair of pliers in your right hand, and one in your left. I highly recommend a lot of breaks while you are working.
Take a cup of coffee or tea (for me coffee – but my hands doesn´t begin to shake from it).
This is something I would advise every craftswomen or –men. Because if you are working with tiny material, you want to get closer to your object. Then you round up your shoulders and this can cause pain. Take a break – stretch your entire body (stretch your hands, too) and then go back.
Have you ever had problems because of torching a quite a while?

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