Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2012

It´s cold outside!

Hello there,

I´m doing business as usual. That means that I´m doing my daytime job and make beads. But, as the title says, it is freezing cold outside. And since I´m torching in my garage I can only manage to make very few beads at a time. Then my fingers get to cold and I have to go into the kitchen and take a big cup of coffee or tea to warm me again. 
The other thing with this season is, that I can´t take good photos. The sun is not as high as in the summer, which gives a weired light. So I have to spent some money to get a light tent. Propably I could make up a cheap one by myself, but then I have no good camera. I will have to get a new one. Decisions, decisions!

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